Worship Info

What to expect in Worship Services
at St. Paul's

Traditional Worship - Sat. 6 pm & Sun. 8:15 am

  The order or outline of the worship service comes from a hymnal or book in which various liturgical orders are found.  The church organ provides musical accompaniment to hymns which are also in the hymnal and occasionally special music might be provided by a choir or soloist.   Worship is led by the pastor and the sermon with assistance from lay readers, acolytes, organist and ushers. 

Contemporary Worship - Sun. 10:45 am

The worship service may be outlined in the worship bulletin or projected on a screen.  Songs are led by the Praise Team which includes a keyboard, guitars and drums and are projected for viewing by the congregation.  Sermons are usually the same in all services on a given weekend. 

Advent & Lent Worship 

Advent is a time of preparation for the birth of the Savior and services focus on preparation and expectation.
Lent follows Ash Wednesday and extends to Holy Week.  Lenten worship reminds of the need for a Savior from sin, preparing for Good Friday and Easter.
There are mid-week services during these special times at 12:15 pm and 6 pm.

Tithes and Offerings

Members of St. Paul's bring their tithes and offerings to worship and visitors are not expected to participate   Worshipers may sit wherever they wish.  
There is wheelchair access to the sanctuary by way of a ramp on the south side of the church.  Restrooms are in the basement.  Announcements usually are printed in the worship bulletin.  Some may be given verbally prior to the beginning of the service. 


Children are welcome at all worship services. You are encouraged to sit toward the front of the sanctuary so that children have a better view and are able to participate. Children may be invited to come forward for a children's message.
In addition:
  • Child Care is available in the church basement during both Sunday services for children under 3.
  • Quiet Bags and Bulletins to occupy the children during worship services are available. Please ask an usher for their location.
  • Children’s Offering Envelopes are available on the table in the narthex.
  • Children’s Chapel meets during the sermon in the second service (10:45) in the church basement for children from 3 years old to 2nd grade.
  • Sunday School classes for all ages meet from 9:30 to 10:30 am every Sunday morning. Meet in the church sanctuary for the opening. Classes meet in the school lunchroom.